Alfamind Lite

Redefining a Virtual Store App



UX Designer, helped with UI Design along the way

Project Sector

E-commerce, Virtual Store


Adriel Aritonang (UI Designer)

25+ team of engineers

Project Length

September 2019 - February 2021

Alfamind Lite is a virtual store app partnering with Alfamart that is aimed to enable even lower-income users to open a digital Alfamart store as a side hustle.

Before the Alfamind Lite redesign project began, the app itself was already running for several years with thousands of users. When I joined the project, the team was tasked to improve the existing product one feature at a time, but along the way we realized that Alfamind Lite needed a design overhaul from its fundamentals to the visual design. So we proposed to app redesign from ground up, and eventually it was approved.

The goal of this project is to redefine the app to accommodate the main user needs, which is for the store owners.

Key questions of the project:

1. What differentiates Alfamind Lite from e-commerce apps?

2. What functions does the users, the store owners, actually need from the app?

3. How do we attract more potential users?

Research Phase

Who Are the Users?

Looking at the user data available, the majority of our users are from the lower-income families, or more specifically, the said families' housewives.

When building a design for the more elderly and non tech-savvy users, there are two important aspects that we need to pay attention to. The first is very-explicit usability, while the second one is readability (if we don't take the visually impaired users into account for now).​

Usability alone is usually not enough when facing non tech-savvy users, especially in a developing country like Indonesia. That's why a very explicit approach is needed, typically with clearer contrasts and explanations for every actions. Readability is also one of the main focus, and it doesn't only involve text sizes but also contrast between texts and contents. This involves aforementioned size, positioning, color, and font type.

User observation and interview on September 2019

Direct Observation and User Interview

When there was a store owners gathering in September 2019, we conducted a direct observation on users navigating through the app. We found that :

1. The users are non tech-savvy, but they could navigate through the different user flows just fine. The main issues are there are many design language that they're not familiar with and several readability issues.

2. Since some users have problem reading small texts, they enlarge the texts on their phones. This results in a chaotic interface on said phones. An adaptive design would be needed to address this issue.

3. The users were having problems selling products on the app, because the existing app were made as an e-commerce app, not a visual store app. From this we know that we need to switch the target users from buyers to store owners.

Many visual design in the app were messy on smaller phones and phones where the users change the text size. This disrupted the usability and readability.

From the pain points gathered from the interview, we found that the majority of users mainly concerned about transaction, visual clarity, and app performance.

Internal Findings

Before we propose the total design overhaul, we looked into the problems and we found several important issues to address as soon as possible :

1. Update the visual design to the current trends since it affected the attractiveness of the app for new users.

2. We need to improve the performance of the app because there were many issues on transactions as pointed out by the users. (This was a note for the engineers)

3. We need to redefine the user journey since we decided to change the target users from buyers to store owners.

The more we analyze the user journey, the more we realized that we need to do a content restructuring for the whole app from user onboarding to advocating to other potential users.

Research Conclusion

Redefining the target users from buyers to store owners is needed

Alfamind Lite is a virtual store app, not an e-commerce

The features must accommodate what the store owners need, not just buyers

Improve the readability, dependability, and accessibility of the app

Information architecture restructuring is needed because of the target user change

Update the visual design to current trends


Brainstorming for the Content Structure

Based on the research, we came up with several solutions for the pain points

Clear blocking between different groups of contents

Eliminate all hidden features accessible by gestures, changed into buttons

Clear and consistent CTA components position and sizes

Improve educational information for the users since the functions are unique to this app

Putting the most important navigation and information at the front

Adaptive design, especially towards smaller devices

From the visual design standpoint, the main objective is to make the app as readable and accessible as possible for everyone.

Key Takeaways From the Wireframe

1. We moved some usually more hidden functions such as Transaction History and Wallet to the front page because store owners frequently access them to check their ongoing transactions.

2. We remove some sub-menus and put the contents at the front to make it easier for users to search for them, such as in the Account menu for example. We want users to be able to directly access different menus without going into each sub-menus.

Challenge and Compromise #1

We wanted to make an infinite scrolling product search to improve user engagement. The issue was it's not feasible from the technical side and since we wanted to improve the app performance, the idea was scrapped.

Challenge and Compromise #2

At first we wanted to separate the users into three, guest users, regular users and store owner users, since we want to make the app easier to access for new users because signing up as a store owner right away is a magnitude more complicated than being a guest and regular users (Need KTP, bank data, and etc). But our partner requested that separating the users could complicate the marketing side since it would need additional education for the users, so in the end we changed it into an incremental level of users, from guest to regular store owner to verified store owners. The users are not informed on which one they are, they are just prompted to complete the data needed.

Challenge and Compromise #3

The existing app separates the products into different "floors" to simulate real-life stores and also for easier data categorization for both admin and users. We decided that this made some products too hidden for the users, so we removed the "floors". As a compromise, to make it easier for store owners to quickly search a product their customers want to buy or window-shopping, we put a Category section at the top of the homepage.

(Existing Design)

Visual Design

From the front page, the design is tailored for store owners' needs. They can immediately access Wallet, Categories, Notification, Transactions, Referral Share, and Top Up.

Design Guideline

Challenge and Compromise #4

In the middle of the development a new feature was added, which is the Store Performance (Performa Toko). Store Performance's main function is to inform users about their store's performance for a period of time and their monthly/quarterly sales targets.

Since this function is a quite complicated one, especially for non tech-savvy users, we decided to add notification at the homepage and put more emphasize on user education in the Store Performance page. Impacts to the design was also analyzed to make sure that this major design update could seamlessly blend with the overall flow (and for the CMS too).

Design Addition Impact Analysis for Grading Feature

Lessons Learned

Mistargeting your project's users could result in a significant redesign effort

Ensuring that the design process is properly done from user research to prototyping is important to make sure that you don't need to redo the design process all over again when there is something that is fundamentally wrong

Involving engineers in the design process to know the constraints in a project is important to understand the limits of your design outcome

What's Next?

Currently the project is in development and it's expected to be done by February 2021. After the development is done, we could research the overall usability through user feedbacks. There are also several new features that will be expanded upon, such as a personal store for store owners.

Next Project


Alfamind AR

Website contents and design by © 2021 Alwin Tantowi