Hello There!

My name is Alwin Tantowi, I'm a UX Designer based in Jakarta

I'm currently working as a UX Designer at WIR Group's Mindstores, a company focusing on Augmented Reality (AR) specializing in virtual stores and tech solutions for clients. 

As a UX Designer I find that being detailed and realistic are both important to make sure that every stakeholders involved are satisfied in a project, from the developers to the clients. It's been an exciting journey to learn about how to approach stakeholders, working with a development team, conducting user research, knowing the project constraints, leading a design process, and so many more.

I began learning about human-centered design and user experience design through self-learning and my previous works as an architect and product designer. I've been trying to improve myself more, especially on the research aspects of user experience design, from my mentors and by reading books.

In my pastime I've also been learning about illustration and concept arts. You can check my progress on my Artstation page if you're interested!


Website contents and design by © 2021 Alwin Tantowi